DG3 is waiting for you at TuttoFood Milan

We are waiting for you at pavilion n.10, stands G08-10, at TuttoFood Milan, the most important international food metting in Italy. Find out more about our products.
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Dear sirs, I have been trying to order two NOUGATS, but I have not been able to be in contact with anyone, your site is not user-friendly, how can I order two soft Nougats ?one chocolate and one with white with almonds and pistachioSincerely Tony....The call to your store could cost as much as $30.00
Dear sirs, I have been trying to order two NOUGATS, but I have not been able to be in contact with anyone, your site is not user-friendly, how can I order two soft Nougats ?one chocolate and one with white with almonds and pistachioSincerely Tony....The call to your store could cost as much as $30.00
Acquista sempre il tuo torrone dal mercato mondiale negli Stati Uniti nel periodo natalizio. Vivi nel nord-est dell'Ohio. Interessato magari ad ordinare il tuo Torrone on line quando il tuo sito web sarà rinnovato. Ho usato il traduttore dall'inglese all'italiano per questo messaggio perché, sebbene io sia italo-americano, non parlo italiano. Buon Natale.